Do you wish to start your business from the scratch? Although it seems to be a brilliant idea it calls for investing a lot of money. The first thing that you need is a suitable office premise from where you can conduct all your business activities. And for that also you need a whopping amount of money. Indeed buying a commercial plot is a herculean task but you do not have worry if you have access to a proper lender who can offer lucrative loan option to fulfill your need. In a nutshell, finding a suitable loan program is the call of the time. Here are a few loan options that you should consider in order to collect fund to purchase a suitable office building.
Conventional Loan
Conventional Loan
Most business owners take help of one of the best commercial real loan brokers in order to gather information about the suitable conventional loan that caters to their requirements. For purchase of office building for your start up company you can certainly obtain conventional loan for commercial property purchase. With this type of commercial property loan you can borrow till 5,000,000 dollars for your relevant purchase. If you acquire this type of loan you can get low rate of interests and even valuable suggestion from financial experts. And if you wish to avail it, it is important that you need to fulfill at least twenty percent down payment requirement.
SBA Loans
For a good office premise, you can get hold of SBA small business loan as quickly as possible. You can avail this SBA 504 loan and SBA 7 (A) loan even if you have poor credit history. If you acquire SBA 504 loan you have the opportunity to borrow up to 5,000,000 dollars. And on your end, you only have to contribute as less as ten percent equity or down payment. If you avail SBA 7(A) loan, you will get the opportunity to borrow a total amount of money that ranges between 100,000 to 5,000,000 dollars. Fulfill you dream to acquire a nice office building with the help of these SBA loans. Plus, you can get SBA 505 or SBA 7 (A) at low interest rates.
SBA Loans
For a good office premise, you can get hold of SBA small business loan as quickly as possible. You can avail this SBA 504 loan and SBA 7 (A) loan even if you have poor credit history. If you acquire SBA 504 loan you have the opportunity to borrow up to 5,000,000 dollars. And on your end, you only have to contribute as less as ten percent equity or down payment. If you avail SBA 7(A) loan, you will get the opportunity to borrow a total amount of money that ranges between 100,000 to 5,000,000 dollars. Fulfill you dream to acquire a nice office building with the help of these SBA loans. Plus, you can get SBA 505 or SBA 7 (A) at low interest rates.
Do you want help to find out effective loan program to buy office building or any other commercial real estate property? Avail the service of real estate property as quickly as possible. This popular finance company has gained expertise in providing conventional loan, hard money, SBA loans as well as commercial real estate loan to the clients in the US. Its team of experienced professionals devote a lot of time to conduct comprehensive research as well as allow you to get hold of suitable loan for your smooth functioning of your business. Don’t miss the opportunity.
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